How Long Do Drugs Remain in My Hair, Blood & Urine?

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Do you have a drug test coming up – and are you wondering if you will pass?

You’ve come to the right place.

This guide explains exactly how long drug traces remain detectable in your body and the latest proven ways to beat the three most common types of tests: hair, urine and blood tests.

The hair drug test is the toughest one to beat and the focus of this website, so I’ll spend more time on that one.

NOTE: If you are are getting a hair test soon, then definitely read my in-depth guide detailing the four most proven ways to beat the test.

So… let’s get started by answering the question you came here for:

how long are drugs detectable in my hair, blood and urine?

The detailed table below shows how long 120+ drugs can be detected in your blood, urine and hair.

You can search it for the drug you’re most worried about.

Drug Use Time Table

The table below lists the amount of time drug traces will be detectable on drug test after your last use for each drug and type of drug test.
UrineHairBloodSalivaOther Names
2, 5 -DMA
2-5 days
90 Days24 hours
1-5 days
2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Fluoroamphetamine Phenethylamine and Amphetamine classes
Adipex (Phentermine)
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Phentermine, Adipex-P, Ionamin, Pro-Fast
Amidone (Synthetic Opioid Analgesic)
5-7 days
90 Days1-7 days
Methadone, Methadone hydrochloride; DL-Methadone hydrochloride; dl-Methadone; Methadone HCL; Methadone hydrochloride; Methadon; Phenadone hydrochloride
Amytal (Barbiturate)
2-10 days
90 Days1-2 days
1-10 days
Barbiturate, Amobarbital Sodium, Amobarbital, Amylobarbitone
Anesthetic (Veterinary)
2-8 days
90 Days
1-8 days
Ketamine, Ketalar, Ketaset, Ketavet, Vitamin K, Agent K, Special K, or just K
Ativan (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 weeks
90 Days6-48 hours
1-10 days
Benzodiazepine, Lorazepam; L-Lorazepam Acetate; O-Chlorooxazepam; O-Chloroxazepam
3-5 days (EGT)
10-12 hrs (alc.)
90 Days12 hours
1-5 days
Booze, Beer, Wine, Alcohol
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Single Use
Amphetamine (Variants)

2-5 days

90 Days12 hours

1-5 days

Biphematine, Delcobase, Desoxyn, Obetrol, Reds, Meth,
Amphetamine (Variants)
2-5 days
90 Days12 hours
1-5 days

Black Beauties, Crosses, Hearts
2-10 days
90 Days24 hours
1-5 days
Single Use
2-3 weeks
90 Days1-2 days
1-10 days
Amytal, Nembutal, Black Beauties
2-5 days
90 Days12 hours
1-5 days
dl-amphetamine. d-amphetamine, Methamphetamine
1-6 weeks
90 Days6-48 hours
1-10 days
Ativan, Halcion. Librium
1-2 days
90 Days12 hours
1-2 days
Amphetamine , Delcobase, Desoxyn, Obetrol, Reds, Meth
Bufotenine (Hallucinogenic)
2-5 days
90 Days1-5 days
Buprenorphine (Partial Opioid Agonist)
1-3 days
90 Days1-3 days
Suboxone, Subutex, Buprenex, Temgesic, Bupe, subs, subbies, orange guys
Butisol (Barbiturate)
2-10 days
90 Days1-2 days
1-10 days
Barbiturate, 5-butan-2-yl-5-ethyl-1,3-diazinane-2,4,6-trione, Butabarbital Sodium; Butabarbitone; Secbubarbital; Secbutobarbitone; Secbutobarbital; Secbutabarbital; Sodium Butabarbital; Butrate
Cactus (Psychedelic)
2-3 days
90 Days1-3 days
Mesc, Peyote, mescaline, Peyote Buttons, Broken, Dead
2 days-11 wks90 Days2 days
1-10 days
Pot, Acapulco Gold, Grass, Reefers, Sinsemilla, Thai Sticks, Blunt, Grass, Herb, Pot, Reefer, Sinsemilla, Smoke, Weed
Choral Hydrate (Depressant)
2-7 days
90 Days1-7 days
Knock-Out drug, Date Rape Drug, Somnote, Aquachloral, Aquachloral Supprettes
2-30 days
90 Days24 hrs`
1-10 days
Coke, Crack, Flake, Rocks, Snow
Codate (Opiate)
2-4 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-4 days
Tylenol #3, Codate, Codephos, Syrup, C, school boy, Codeine
Codeine (Opiate)
2-4 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-4 days
Tylenol w/ Codeine, Empirin w/ Codeine, Robitussin A-C, Fiorinal w/ Codeine, Tylenol #3, Codate, Codephos Syrup, C, school boy
Codephos (Opiate)
2-4 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-4 days
Tylenol #3, Codate, Codephos, Syrup, C, school boy, Codeine
Concerta (Tobacco)
1-3 days
90 Days1-3 days
Cigars, Cigarettes, Smokeless tobacco, Snuff, Spit tobacco
Cotinine (Tobacco)
1-3 days
90 Days1-3 days
Cigars, Cigarettes, Smokeless tobacco, Snuff, Spit tobacco
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
DET (Hallucinogenic)
6-8 hrs
90 Days1-2days
2-Me-DET, or 2-methyl-diethyltryptamine
DMT (Hallucinogenic)
2-5 days
90 Days1-5 days
Dimethyltryptamine, “Businessman’s Trip”
2-5 days
90 Days24 hours
1-5 days
Adam, Ecstasy, STP, XTC
2-5 days
90 Days24 hours
1-5 days
Adam, Ecstasy, STP, XTC
Dalmane (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 weeks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
8-24 hrs
90 Days1-2 days
Delcobase (Amphetamine)
1-2 days
90 Days12 hours
1-2 days
Biphematine, Desoxyn, Dexedrine, Obetrol, Reds, Meth
6-12 days
90 Days1-10 days
Demerol, Mepergan, Pethidine
1-2 days
90 Days12 hours
1-2 days
Amphetamine , Biphematine, Delcobase, Dexedrine, Obetrol, Reds, Meth
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
1-2 days
Amphetamine , Biphematine, Delcobase, Desoxyn, Obetrol, Reds, Meth
Diacetylmorphine (Heroin)
2-4 days
90 Days6 hrs
1-4 days
Heroin, Gear, Shit, Cheese, Diesel, Smack, B, Skag, Bobby, Black Tar, Horse, Junk, Jenny, Brown, Brown Sugar, Dark, Dope & H.
7-10 Days
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-3 days
Single Use
Diazepam (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
Benzodiazepine. Zetran
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Benzphetamine Hydrochloride
2-4 days
90 Days1-4 days
Hydrostat; Palladone
7-10 Days
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-3 days
Single Use
Diastat (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-3 days
Diazepam-Rectal, Benzodiazepine
6-12 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-10 days
2-10 days
90 Days1-2 days
1-10 days
fours and doors
Dover’s Powder
2-4 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-4 days
1-3 Days
90 Days12 hrs
1-5 Days
Single Use
2-5 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-5 days
Adam, STP, XTC
Equanil (Depressant)
2-7 days
90 Days1-7 days
Meprobamate, Meprospan,  Miltown, Noludar, Placidyl, Soma, Chloral Hydrate
Fentanyl (Opioid)

8-24 hrs

90 Days12 hrs

1-2 days

China White.
Fentanyl (Opioid)

8-24 hrs

90 Days12 hrs

1-2 days

Lollipop, Sublimaze, Duragesic, Actiq
2-10 days
90 Days1-2 days
1-10 days
2-10 days
90 Days1-2 days
1-10 days
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
Hash, Hashish Oil
2 days-11 wks
90 Days2 days
1-10 days
Heroin (Opioid)
2-4 days
90 Days6 hrs
1-4 days
Diacetylmorphine Horse, smack, dragons tail, Smack, Junk, H, Diesel, Dope, Harry
Hydrocodone (Opioid Agonist)
1-6 days
90 Days1-10 days
Vicodin, Lorcet, Norco, Lortab; Vicoprofen, Dilles, Vikes, Vic, Vics
2-4 days
90 Days6 hrs
1-4 days
Dilaudid; Hydrostat; Palladone
Hydromorphine (Synthetic Opioid)
2-4 days
90 Days6 hrs
1-4 days
Methadose, Amidone, Physeptone, Heptadon
Hydromorphone (Opiate)
3-4 days
90 Days1-4 days
Dilaudid, Hydrostat, Palladone, Dillies, hospital heroin, hydro
2-4 days
90 Days6 hours
1-4 days
Dilaudid; Hydrostat; Palladone
Ibogaine (Hallucinogenic)
2-5 days
90 Days1-5 days
Tabernanthe iboga, African rootbark
Ionamin (Phentermine)
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Adipex-P, Lonamin, Obenix, Oby-Cap, Teramine, Zantryl
2 days - 11 wks
90 Days2 days
1-10 days
Synthetic Cannabinoid, Spice
LSD (Hallucinogenic)
8 -24 hrs
90 Days3 hrs
1-2 days
Acid, Microdot
Laudanum (Opiate)
2-4 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-4 days
Opium-Based Painkiller, Paragoric
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
8-24 hrs
90 Days1-2 days
Loperamide (Opioid)
20-24 hrs
90 DaysImodium AD, Kaopectate II, Maalox Anti-Diarrheal
Lortab (Hydrocodone)
3-4 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-4 days
Anexsia, Co-Gesic, Dolorex Forte, Hycet, Liquicet, Lorcet, Lortab, Maxidone, Norco, Polygesic, Stagesic, Vicodin, Xodol, Zamicet, Zolvit, Zydone
2 wks
90 Days1-10 days
2-5 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-5 days
Adam, Ecstasy, STP, XTC
1-3 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-3 days
Single Use
2-5 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-5 days
Adam, Ecstasy, STP, XTC
2 days-11 wks **SEE CHART AT BOTTOM**
90 Days2 days
1-10 days
Mary Jane, Grass, Pot, Weed, Joint,
Marinol (Dronabinol)
2 days - 11 wks
90 Days2 days
1-10 days
Synthetic, Tetra-hydrocannabinol (Marijuana)
Mepergan (Benzodiazepine)
2-5 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-5 days
Demerol, Meperidine, Pethidine
Meperidiine (Benzodiazepine)
24 hrs
90 Days6 hrs
1-2 days
Demerol, Meperidine, Pethidine
2-3 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-3 days
Buttons, Cactus, Mesc, Peyote
Methadone (Opioid)
6-12 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-10 days
Amidone, Dolophine, Methadose
1-4 days
90 Days1-3 days
1-4 days
Desoxyn; Crank, Crystal, Glass, Ice, Speed
14 days
90 Days1-10 days
Quaalude, Ludes
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Ritalin, Concerta, Tranquilyn
8-24 hrs
90 Days3 hrs
1-2 days
LSD< Acid, Microdot
Miltown (Depressant)
2-7 days
90 Days1-7 days
Morphine (Opiate)
3-4 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-4 days
Roxanol, Dover's Powder, Paregoric, Laudanum, Morphine, Roxanol, Roxanol SR, Robitussin A-C, any drug with codeine added, Avinza, MSContin, Oramorph Morf, M, M.S.
Naltrexone (Opioid antagonist)
4-6 hrs
90 Days1 day
ReVia, Vivitrol, Depade, Trexan, Nalorex
2-10 days
90 Days1-2 day
1-10 days
2-4 days
90 Days2-4 days
1-4 days
Cigars, Cigarettes, Smokeless tobacco, Snuff, Spit tobacco
3-4 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-4 days
Hydrocodone Bitartrate and Acetaminophen, Opioid Anagesic
Noludar (Depressant)
2-7 days
90 Days1-7 days
8-24 hrs
90 Days12 hrs
1-2 days
1-2 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-2 days
Amphetamine , Biphematine, Delcobase, Desoxyn, Dexedrine, Reds, Meth
2-4 days
90 Days6 hrs
1-4 days
Laudanum, Dover’s Powder, Paregoric
Oxycodone (Opioid Antagonist)
3-4 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-4 days
Percodan, Percocet, Tylox, OxyContin, Roxicodone, Roxicet, Endocet, Oxies, O.C., Ocean City, Orange County, hillbilly heroin
Oxymorphone (Opioid)
3-4 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-4 days
Opana, Numorphan, Numorphone, Biscuits, blue heaven, blues
Oxycontin (Opioid Antagonist)
3-4 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-4 days
Percocet w/acetaminophen Percodan (w/aspirin); M-oxy, ETH-Oxydose, Oxyfast, OxyIR, Roxicodone
PCE (Hallucinogenic)
2-5 days
90 Days1-5 days
PCP (Phencyclidine)
1-7 days, heavy 1 - 4 wks
90 Days24 hrs
1-10 days
Angel Dust, Boat, Hog, Love Boat, Embalming Fluid, Killer Weed, Rocket Fuel, Supergrass, Wack, Ozone
PMA (Amphetamine)
2-5 days
90 Days1-5 days
Death, Dr. Death, Chicken Powder, Chicken Yellow
Palladone (Opiate)
2-4 days
90 Days6 hrs
1-4 days
Dilaudid; Hydrostat
Paregoric (Opium)
2-4 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-4 days
Opium-Based Painkiller, Laudanum
Paxipam (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-6 wks
Percocet (Oxycodone)
3-4 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-4 days
Endocet, Magnacet, Acetaminophen and Oxycodone
Percodan (Oxycodone)
3-4 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-4 days
Endodan, Aspirin and Oxycodone
Percolone (Oxycodone)
3-4 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-4 days
ETH-Oxydose, OxyContin, Oxyfast, OxyIR, Percolone, Roxicodone, Roxicodone Intensol
2-4 days
90 Days12 hrs
1-4 days
Meperidine, Demerol, Mepergan
Peyote (Psychedelic)
2-3 days
90 Days1-10 days
Mesc, Peyote, Peyote Buttons, Broken, Dead
Placidyl (Depressant)
2-7 days
90 Days1-10 days
Ethchlorvynol, Anxiolytics, Sedatives and Hypnotics
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
2-10 days,
90 Days
1-10 days
Single Use
Heavy: 2- wks
90 Days5-10 days
1-10 days
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Prelu-2 (Phendimetrazin)
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Prelu-2 (Phendimetrazin)
Preludin (Phenmetrazine)
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Propoxyphene (Opiate)
8-24 hrs
90 Days1-2 days
Darvon, Darvon-N, Dolene
Psilocin (Hallucinogenic)
2-5 days
90 Days1-5 days
Mushrooms, Cacti
2-5 days
90 Days1-5 days
Magic Mushroom, Purple Passion, Shrooms
14 days
90 Days1-10 days
Restoril (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Robitussin A-C (Opiate)
2-4 days
90 Days2-4 days
Codeine, Morphine, Opium, Dover's Powder, Paregoric, Laudanum, Morphine, Roxanol, Roxanol SR, any drug with codeine added
Roxanol & Roxanol SR (Opiate)
2-4 days
90 Days12 hrs
2-4 days
Codeine, Morphine, Opium, Dover's Powder, Paregoric, Laudanum, Morphine, Robitussin A-C, any drug with codeine added
3-4 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-4 days
Percocet w/acetaminophenPercodan (w/aspirin); Oxycontin, M-oxy, ETH-Oxydose, Oxyfast, OxyIR
2-5 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-5 days
Adam, Ecstasy, STP, XTC
2-10 days
90 Days1-2 days
1-10 days
Serax (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
Soma (Depressant)
2-7 days
90 Days1-7 days
Carisoprodol, Carisoma; Myolax
2-5 days
90 Days1-5 days
THC (Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol)
2 days-11 wks **SEE CHART AT BOTTOM**
90 Days2 days
1-10 days
Salt and Pepper, Santa Marta, Sassafras, Scissors, Seeds, Sen, Sess, Sezz, Siddi, Sinse, Skunk, Smoke, Canada, Snop, Splim, Stack, Stems, Stink Weed, Sugar Weed, Sweet Grass, Sweet Lucy, THC, Cannabis, Marijuana
TMA (Hallucinogenic)
2-5 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-5 days
Mescalamphetamine, The six different TMAs are: TMA, TMA-2, TMA-3, TMA-4, TMA-5, and TMA-6
8-24 hrs
90 Days1-2 days
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Diethylpropions, Dospan
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Tramadol (Non-opiate synthetic analgesic)
2-4 days
90 Days6 hrs
1-4 days
Ultram; Ultracet, Tram cars
1-2 days
90 Days1-2 days
Tranzene (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
2-10 days
90 Days1-2 days
1-10 days
8-24 hrs
90 Days12 hrs
1-2 days
Tylenol #3 (Opiate)
8-24 hrs
90 Days12 hrs
1-2 days
3-4 days
90 Days24 hrs
1-4 days
Ultracet w/ Acetaminophen (Non-opiate synthetic analgesic)
2-4 days
90 Days6 hrs
1-4 days
Tramadol, Ultram, Ultracet, Tram cars
Ultram (Non-opiate synthetic analgesic)
2-4 days
90 Days6 hrs
1-4 days
Tramadol, Ultram, Ultracet, Tram cars
7-10 days
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
Single Use
Valium (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
3-4 days
90 Days6-48 hrs
3-4 days
Hydrocodone, Lortab; Vicoprofen
3-4 days
90 Days6-48 hrs
3-4 days
Hydrocodone, Lortab;
Xanax (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
7-10 days
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days
Single Use
Zetran (Benzodiazepine)
1-6 wks
90 Days6-48 hrs
1-10 days

How To Pass a Blood Test

Drug Test

A blood test is the easiest to beat mostly because you just need to wait a few hours and the drug can no longer be detected in your system.

Most drugs remain in the blood for 12 hours and others for even less time. But they can also stay longer (1-2 days) depending on how heavy a user you are.

Another good thing about blood tests is that they are rarely used.

Most companies will tell you about an upcoming test several days or weeks ahead of time. That’s more than enough time for the drug to make its way out of the blood. So unless it is an on-the-spot test, they’ll often prefer a urine or hair test.

Blood tests are also expensive, and companies are preferring urine and increasingly, hair tests.

But just in case you have to get a blood test in a few hours or days, the only thing you can do is take a detox product.

Of course, you should immediately stop taking more of the drug to allow the body to kick-start its own natural detox process.     

To quicken the detox, several products claim to clear drug metabolites from your blood. They include 3-day and 7-day detoxes.

Some popular ones include the Ever Clean Herbal Cleanse and Detoxify Mega Clean.
The evidence that these detoxes work is mixed. Some claim that they mask the drug metabolites in your blood, but that’s highly questionable.

You can try any of them, but I cannot guarantee anything. The best way to beat a blood test is simply waiting.

Note: Labs will sometimes check for masking products in your blood when testing for drugs. Make sure that whichever detox you buy to take care of that issue.

I also recommend exercise. It encourages drug metabolites stored in fat cells to get released and eliminated via urine or stool. But do not exercise on the day before the test. It could increase the level of metabolites in your bloodstream.

Other tricks people use to beat blood tests include taking fruit pectin (boosts elimination of drug metabolites through stool) and taking activated charcoal. But these methods are not backed by any evidence, and I would not recommend relying on them alone.

How To Pass a Urine Test

Urine test

Urine tests are more popular than blood tests because they are cheaper and can detect drugs for longer.

On average, drugs continue to show up in the urine after last use for 1-10 days.

As with a blood test, the number of days after which the drug can still be detected will depend a lot on your level of usage. For light users, some drugs can fade away from your urine in as little as one day.

Marijuana Detection Time Chart Urine Drug Test
1 time only 5-8 days
2-4 times per month 11-18 days
2-4 times week 23-35 days
5-6 times per week 33-48 days
Daily Usage 49-90 days
** Hair Drug Test Up to 90 days, some States 120 days
** Saliva Drug Test 1-10 days
** Blood Drug Test 2 days
** Fingernail Drug Test 90 Days
** Alcohol Drug Test 3-5 days via Ethyl Gluconoride (EGT) or 10-12 hours via traditional method

For heavy users, you may need up to 30 days to completely get rid of any traces of the drug from your urine.

There are several ways to beat a urinalysis that have worked for many people. It goes without saying that for any of them to work effectively you need to immediately abstain from taking drugs as soon as you learn about the upcoming drug test.

1. Drink a Lot of Water

Drug Test

Different drugs will have a cutoff concentration point above which the test will be declared positive. For THC for instance, the concentration of the main metabolite, THC-COOH, has to be at least 50ng/ml.

Drinking a lot of water works by diluting your urine to the point that the metabolite concentration slips below the cutoff point.

Water is good enough to dilute your urine. Don’t believe the cranberry juice or vinegar myths.

For water dilution to work, you need to do it a few hours before the test. I recommend you start doing it on the day before the test right up until a few minutes before the test.

Do not rely on water flushing alone. It is not foolproof. Combine it with one of the other techniques for greater chances of passing the test.

Note that you should only drink a little bit more water than usual. Chugging down gallons of the liquid will put you at risk of hyponatremia. This is where your blood gets so dilute that sodium levels get dangerously low.

It can lead to death.

But even when you do it right, this technique has one main downside.

Some labs will actually test how dilute your urine is. If it’s too dilute, they might take it as a red flag and notify your employer.

You’ll either be failed, or another strictly supervised test may be requested.

Tip: Don’t go back to using a drug immediately after a urine test. They may request another test soon after.

To avoid raising suspicion, do not over-dilute your urine. As I said, just a bit more fluid intake than usual is all you need.

2. Use Proven Detox Products

Detox products claim to increase the rate at which drug metabolites are eliminated from your body via urine.

The results are mixed with customers saying some products work better than others.

If you decide to use a detox product, I recommend using it along with the above water technique. Also, make sure you use a product that will not raise any red flags with the lab.

Tip: Avoid any products that claim to mask the drug metabolites such as cranberry juice, vinegar or herbal cleanses. They are generally ineffective, and labs can detect them in your urine.

3. Fake Urine & Fake Genitals

Drug Test 

If you have no time to get your urine clear, there is always the option of faking it.

If it works, it’s 100% effective. But if you get caught, the labs will be onto you and the consequences could be terrible.

You basically have two options.

The easiest one is to use fake urine. You just need to get quality fake urine with all the components and vitamins that real urine is supposed to have.

It also has to have the right temperature. This is often achieved by using a heat activator that you add to the urine just before submitting it for testing.

You just need to figure out how to get the fake urine into the test center.

The other option and this actually is a thing, is to don fake genitals filled with fake urine.

It may sound crazy, but at least it solves the problem of how you are going to get the urine into the test facility.

So both options essentially involve fake urine.

Note that labs have gotten better at detecting fake urine. The risk of getting caught is fairly high.

4. Just Wait it Out

This is the most effective technique, but obviously only works if you have enough time before the test.

While most drugs cannot be detected in your urine after 5-10 days, I recommend waiting at least 30 days especially if you are a heavy user.

As you wait, get on a regular workout routine. This will burn fat, releasing any drugs stored in there into your bloodstream and out of your body.

How To Pass a Hair Test

A hair test is the hardest one to beat. That’s because drugs can stick around in your hair for up to 90 days.

A hair test is also very accurate. It can tell exactly when you start taking a drug and when you stopped. This is because hair grows at a predictable, steady rate.

This is precisely why more and more companies are moving away from urine to hair tests. Some will ask for both the urine and hair test.

We explain the most proven techniques for beating a hair test on this site including the famous Macujo and Jerry G methods.

Here is a quick summary of those.

1. Wait it Out

If you have 110 days to spare, then you have nothing to worry about. No matter how heavy of a user you are, you’ll test clean.

Why do I recommend 110 days?

Ten days is for the drugs to get out of your blood (after that, no more drug metabolites will be deposited in your hair). 100 days is the time it takes to grow about 1.5” of untainted hair, the length labs cut off for testing.

Unfortunately, many people don’t have 110 days to wait it out.

So if you are short on time, here’s what you can try.

2. Shave It All Off

This one seems so obvious. Right?

But there are a few issues you should think about before shaving clean.

One, the lab may decide to pluck hair from another part of the body. So if you are going to shave your head, you need to shave every inch of your body as well.

Two, it will raise a big red flag with the lab. They may decide that you are simply afraid of a positive test and fail you.

Other labs will ask for a urine test that can detect drug use for up to 30 days depending on which drug you were using and how heavy a user you are.

3. Detox Shampoos

Drug Test

Detox shampoos work if you buy the right ones and use them properly. The best ones get deep in the hair shaft and remove any traces of the drug.

Avoid cheap shampoos that make huge promises. Most of them don’t work. Anything that costs less than $20 will probably be ineffective.

The highest-rated detox shampoos tend to be quite pricey. One of the most popular ones is the old formula Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo.

Ultra Clean Shampoo and Clear Choice Shampoo also get very positive customer feedback.

Note: when you use these shampoos as part of a proper detox cleaning regimen, hair damage is possible.

4. The Jerry G & Macujo Methods

Drug Test

You can also create your own DIY detox at home using things like bleach and shampoo. The two DIY methods that seem to work best for most people are called the Macujo and Jerry G methods.

These two techniques apply to THC only. But I think they can work with most other drugs as well.

You can read about them in full here (Macujo) and  here (Jerry G).

Drug TestBoth methods are kinda hard on your scalp and hair.

The Macujo method relies on salicylic acid and vinegar while the Jerry G one relies on bleach to remove drug chemicals from your hair.

So be prepared to do some hair restoration after you, hopefully, test negative.