Hair Drug Testing FAQ: Quick Answers That Could Save You

Questions and Answers About The Hair Drug Test

These are the most frequently asked questions I’ve been asked about the hair drug test by the millions of visitors to this site over the past couple of years.

Hopefully, this page of quick answers will save you time!

If you have other questions you’d like me to answer, drop me a line in the comments section below.

Best of luck on your test!

– Jay Z.

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What is hair drug testing?

A hair drug test is a procedure in which a small sample of hair is taken & analyzed to identify drugs used by the person being tested. The sample is sent to an independent lab that analyzes it for traces of specific molecules.

A hair follicle drug test lab looks for a minimum threshold, or concentration, of specific trace chemicals in the hair sample. The molecules detected during the test may be the drug itself, or they may be metabolites that are produced when the body processes the drug.


How effective is the hair follicle drug test in detecting past drug usage?

Very. Because your hair stores a record of what’s in your blood as it grows, the hair drug screen is far more effective than a urine or blood test for detecting long-term drug use. The length of time the hair follicle test can detect prior use is only limited by the length of your hair. However, most labs only sample 90 days’ worth.

Most drugs flush out of your bloodstream within seven days after last use. This is why blood and urine tests are limited in their visibility into your past. Most urine tests cannot detect use more than 48-96 hours in the past, for example.


How do drugs get into my hair?

All drugs and drug metabolites are transferred from the bloodstream into your hair by way of the hair follicle, as your hair grows. In some cases, these trace chemicals are also deposited onto the surface of the hair through sweat glands, which are fed by your bloodstream. This is true for marijuana’s metabolite, THC-COOH (delta9-THC-COOH).


How far back in time does a standard hair follicle test go?

A standard hair drug screen looks for drug use during the prior 90 days.

Some employers and government agencies may order tests that go back 6 or 9 months, but hair tests lose their accuracy beyond 90 days. Longer tests are also more easily challenged due to the effects of weathering and chemicals on hair.


Which drugs can be detected by a hair drug test?

The following five classes of drugs are detected in most standard hair drug tests because they are mandated by most Federal Government employers:

  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana (THC)
  • Opiates (Codeine, Morphine, Heroin, Fentanyl)
  • Methamphetamine (Crystal Meth, Ecstasy)
  • PCP (Phencyclidine)


How much hair is sampled for a hair drug test?

To take a 90-day sample of head hair, a 1.5-inch lock of hair is cut from your head, from the scalp line outward.

The standard GC/ MS confirmation screen calls for sampling 40+ mg of hair, which is about 60 strands.

Here’s a video from USDTL that shows how the lab techs take a sample and prepare it for shipment to the lab:



How fast does the hair on my head grow?

On average, human head hair grows about 1/2 inch per month. That said, the history of drug use captured in a standard hair sample can vary by as much as one week either way, depending on hair type. Your ethnicity, hair thickness, and hair color will all impact how many days of history are detectable in the sample.

Coarse and curly hair takes more time to grow. For this reason, more than 90 days of drug use may be locked inside a 1.5-inch sample of dark, curly hair.

Fair, straight, thin hair grows faster than average. So, less than 90 days of history may be captured in a blonde hair sample.


Can they test my body hair?

Yes.  If you shave your head or are naturally bald, then the sample station will often take a sample of your body hair, instead.

This increases your risk of failing, however. That’s because body hair grows considerably slower than head hair. It is tough for a sample station technician to know exactly how much body hair to take.

For this reason, body hair samples may reveal up to a year of history.


What if I’m bald or shave my head?

Different technicians and testing labs handle this situation differently. Some technicians are instructed to turn you away, which may be treated as you refusing to take a hair drug test. Some may request urine and/or blood test as a substitute. Most will either sample your body hair as a substitute or accept a less than 1.5″ from your head, depending on how much hair is available on your head.

How the test sampler handles this situation ultimately depends on the contract the lab has with the organization that ordered the test.


What if I have long hair and don’t want to cut it?

If you haven’t used drugs during the past 100 days (140 days for marijuana), then don’t worry: you’ll probably pass. In this situation, it’s not critical for you to cut your hair before the test, either. That’s because you will grow enough clean hair to sample during that timeframe, and the lab takes the sample from your scalp line out and discards the rest.


What’s the most effective way to pass a hair drug test?

Ignore those pills, detox drinks, and weird home-grown cleaning remedies.

There are only two proven ways to beat a hair drug test if you’ve been using drugs: abstinence, or clean the chemicals from your hair.

1. Abstinence

The best way to pass a hair drug test is really simple: stop using drugs at least 100 days before your test.

Then, if you want to eliminate any chance that the lab tech might accidentally sample your older hair, cut the hair on your head down to 1.5″ in length all around your head, right before your test.

If you have the time to abstain for 100+ days, then you will pass – regardless of the type of drug you used.

That said, there is ONE EXCEPTION to the 100-day rule: marijuana.

If you are a heavy/chronic marijuana user, then you’ll need at least 140 days of abstinence before cutting your hair down to 1.5″. This is because it takes about 30 days for marijuana to clear out of your bloodstream. Only marijuana has this issue.

If you are a light marijuana user, then you’ll need at least 110 days.

Learn how long marijuana stays in your body.

2. Clean Your Hair: Macujo / Jerry G. Methods

If you don’t have the luxury of a 100-140 day advance notice of a hair drug test, and you’re still using, then your best bet is to try and clean your hair.

The two most proven ways to strip trace drugs and metabolites from your hair are the Macujo and Jerry G methods. The following article explains everything you need to know about these two cleaning regimens, including the products you’ll need to get and the exacts steps to follow:

 See Step-By-Step Instructions for the Macujo & Jerry G Methods. 


Learn More About the Hair Drug Test

To learn more about the Hair Drug Test, check out our home page.

For just the highlights, click on the infographic below.


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View Comments (393)

  • I'm not a frequent smoker. But i smoked maybe 2 weeks ago like a hit or two amf the time before it was 4 or 5 months before i smoked. I have a hair follicle test within this month or the beginning of next month. Would i be able to pass if i did a detox shampoo once a week up until?

    • Yes, you should pass if you've only smoked once, 2 wks ago, during the past 4-5 months. Probably don't need detox treatment, either. Good luck!

    • Okay, you might not reply. But long story short, i took 2 hits of meth-from a pipe in January, 2 to 4 hits of meth-from a pipe at the end of February, Could i pass a hair follicle test. Other than that its been 6 months to a year abstinence from all drugs

    • If I used edibles two days in a row just one edible a day like 2 weeks ago will I be able to pass a hair test in 90 days

    • Hey jay question so I did roughly 500 mg of MDMA a few days ago. I may have a drug hair test next month. I thought about shaving all the hair off my body then let it grow back and shave it all over again. That new hair after 2 shaves should be good right for the test?

      • No, that's not how this works. Shaving your hair right after your last dose does NOT make a difference!

        For MDMA, you'll need to wait about 100 days from last use to be 'guaranteed clean'. Here's why:

        • First, you need to allow enough time for your blood to clear (for MDMA, that's 1-2 days).
        • Then, you need time for all of your already-tainted hair to grow out through your skin (+ 5-7 days).
        • Then, you need 90 days to let enough non-tainted hair grow in order to be sampled (+90 days for 1.5" of hair).

        If that was your only use in the past year or so, then you should pass.

    • I’m going to be taking a hair follicle drug test on June 23rd 2018 , last time I smoke I had one joint of weed & was on April 3rd 2018 , I’ve been clean ever since took a urine test & passed. By time I take the test I’ll be 81 days in Of not smoking . Do you think I have a chance of passing even if it’s not 90 days ? Really Need help do you think I should do the Macujo Method ? This drug test is for my dream job smh . Would like if you can reply soon as possible thanks ?

      • 81 days is NOT long enough if your hair is 1.5" or longer at the time of the test.

        1.5" is the minimum length of hair sample required for a 90-day hair test; if it's a 180-day test, then your hair needs to be 3" long.

        Your best bet is to try the Macujo or Jerry G cleaning regimen; or, you can cut your hair down to 3/4" all around your head and hope they accept this short length, or defer you another month to let it grow.

        Make sure you shave your armpits, arms and legs right before the test, too.

        • Hey Jay, I have a quick question... I took a drug test for a new job this month and the last time I smoked I shared a joint with a friend in January. Do you think I will pass? It’s been 145 days or so. I rarely smoke. Please reply!

    • Hi! I am very worried. I quit using drugs year and a half ago. I have 16 inch long hair. The drug was amphetamines.
      Am i going to pass the hair drug test?

      • Don't worry! You will be fine. The test only looks at hair less than 90 or 180 days old. Here's how they do this:

        The lab tech will cut the sample of hair from your scalp outward - they clip 1.5" for a 90-day look-back or 3" for 180 days.

        Hair that is older than the look-back window is not sent to the lab - it is supposed be cut from the sample and discarded before mailing.

        You may want to make a mental note of how long the strands are after they clip them - so you can argue your case if it comes back positive.

        But very few techs make this mistake.

        Also, the labs check to make sure the samples are in good shape & the right length before they run the test. They can usually tell which end of your hair is older vs. younger, too.

        Good luck!

    • I failed a hair folicle test for marijuana and I do not even smoke at all. I took a test for this company back in feb , urine and hair. Two weeks later I got a call from another job that I already applied for . Took a urine test and passed. I was laid off from there on April 6. I went back to work for the company i had just left. They sent me for a urine test before i went back to rehire. I passed . When I got to their terminal they sent me to renew my physical and take a hair folicle test. That was a tuesday. I was already working and they called me the MRO called me that Friday and informed me that my hair tested positive for marijauna. There’s no arguing with them or the company. The only thing I could do is pay for a split analysis. My sample sent to another lab. I was relieved of duty on the spot. On my way home I contacted several drug testing facilities. One sent me to a collection site where I paid a lot more for another test. I was going out of my mind. I knew I hadn’t done anything. So I am current sitting here waiting on both results. I really feel like the test I took for the company will come back positive again. That will destroy my career. I took the second test for my own piece of mind . To prove to myself if it is in fact in my system. Since last friday i have been in shock and awe. There is a user in my house . He never smokes inside . But i have caught him doing the vape for of using. Could this have caused me to fail my hair test ????

      • Matthew, it is almost impossible for you to fail a hair drug test for second-hand smoke.

        The most likely culprit these days is edibles. Perhaps you've indulged in brownies or candies provided by your roommate, but didn't know what was in them?

        Do you use CBD products like CBD oils of any kind? Sometimes, non-FDA-approved products are not made correctly and contain higher-than-listed levels of THC. Some states allow CBD oil, edibles, and other products to have up to 5% of THC.

        Have you used synthetic cannabis (Spice, K2, et al) recently? Some synthetic cannabinoids can cause TCH-COOH metabolite levels to spike, mimicking THC.

        Other than edibles & other kinds of cannabinoids, there have been scattered reports of false positives coming from the following substances, although research shows these instances are rare:

        NSAIDs: ibuprofen [Advil, Motrin, others], naproxen [Aleve, Naprosyn, others], and fenoprofen [Nalfon, others]
        dronabinol (Marinol)
        nabilone (Cesamet)
        efavirenz (Sustiva) - also found in combination HIV meds
        pantoprazole (Protonix) and other proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)

        Here is an update on false positive research for marijuana drug tests: https://www.practicalpainmanagement.com/resources/diagnostic-tests/false-positive-screen-marijuana

        Here is a recent list of all the drugs that are known to cause false positives on a urine drug test: https://www.drugs.com/article/false-positive-drug-tests.html

        I sincerely hope this helps you find the source of your problem. Good luck on your job application!

  • if i took a half of a 5mg oxycodone 9 days ago would it show up if i had a hair follicle done today

    • Interesting question. It will probably not show up, assuming that 5mg is all you've ingested during the past ~100 days or so.

      • My daughter's father and his girlfriend are constantly passing blood and hair follicle tests. I've seen videos and pictures of both of them using how is it possible that they pass when they have to take these tests within hours

        • No idea.

          For the blood test, simply abstaining for a week or even a few days can clear your blood enough to pass. If they used literally hours before their blood test, then there's almost no chance they could BOTH pass... unless they somehow corrupted the test lab (bribe, etc.). Never heard of this before, though.

          For the hair test, my guess is they are using some version of Macujo or Jerry G method right before the test.

  • I had cocaine 7 weeks ago. About 2 lines, but less than a third of a gram, less than 300mg most likely.
    I have never done cocaine before that.
    Would I pass a hair drug test if I had to take it tomorrow?

  • I did a bump of cocaine not even a full line about a month ago yesterday I had to take a hair follicle test I'm panicking I haven't done cocaine since high school except for that little bit will I be okay

  • I promised myself that if I passed I would leave a comment on how I did it. 5'6 woman, 165 lbs. dark brown hair, very thick. Smoked like a toke or two a day for like 4 months. Also did coke on and off during those months, but only like 6 times ($20-40 bags)

    Things you need:

    Sally's Beauty store-
    Your color hair dye
    Brush to put on the bleach and hair dye
    Shower Caps
    New Brush

    Your local grocery store-
    Rubbing alcohol
    White vinegar
    Detergent (I used Arm&Hammer Free and clear, their PH is 11, good for opening the follicles)
    Baking soda, get a few boxes
    T-sal shampoo (generic brand)
    Coal Tar shampoo (generic brand)
    Clean & Clear Astringent (generic brand, get a few bottles)

    Bought the Nexxus Aloe Rid shampoo - yes it was expensive, but worth it.

    **Tips- I had 2 brushes for my hair- I would remove the hair from the brush, then boil them for like 20-30 minutes while I was detoxing my hair and then dip them in rubbing alcohol. I also cleaned my shower caps with hot water and then dipped in rubbing alcohol as well. I also used a new towel every single time I rinsed my hair. Yes this seems extensive, but it was worth it.

    The steps I took to get negative results.

    7 days til court

    6/5 bleached hair, washed out, baking soda treatment, washed out and added the tsal shampoo and tar shampoo and let it sit for 30 min. Washed out with toxin shampoo and blow dried. Dyed hair back then washed out with tsal shampoo, toxic shampoo, and arm and hammer laundry detergent 11ph. 6 hours later cleaned hair with toxic shampoo and towel dried. Baking soda for 7 min, rinsed and towel dried, added the astringent and sat for 30 min

    Washed hair with toxin shampoo, rinsed, added baking soda paste and topped with astringent and let sit for 30 min, washed out with arm and hammer, tsal, tar, and toxin shampoo. Added vinegar, astringent and let sit for 30 min, washed out with arm and hammer, tsal, tar, and toxin shampoo

    6/9- 9am- hot oil treatment, massaged and pulled my hair for 10 minutes
    215-330pm repeated above from 6/6

    6/10- professional hair detox

    6/11- 9-1015am repeated above from 6/6
    430-545pm repeated above from 6/6

    6/12- court. No court ordered hair test, doing it willingly.
    530pm-7pm repeated above from 6/6

    6/13- 130pm repeated above from 6/6
    745pm- hot oil treatment, massaged and pulled my hair for 30 min

    6/14- 12pm bleached hair for 40 min. After I repeated steps from 6/6, redyed hair. Followed instructions on the zydot box. Blow dried my hair. Cut samples of hair and sent it off through hairconfirm.com

    6/15- negative results from hairconfirm.com

    6/16- went to LabCorp to submit an official hair test.

    6/23- passed LabCorp hair test

  • Jay-

    Had Hair Follicle test done and it came back negative, this after having treated & stripped hair. Dilemma, testing negative is great but not when you SHOULD have a prescription med in your system and it doesn't show. Now my therapist wants to know why my allowable med is not showing in my system? Therapist wants new test and I need my prescription med to show but not the one I was not permitted to ingest. Question, if I stripped my hair a few days ago, do I need to treat and strip it again for the next test in a few days?

    • Yes, you should definitely treat/strip your hair once more, right before every test. This way you will clean the new (presumably tainted) hair that's grown through your scalp, since your last cleaning.

  • I take my test tomorrow and I've smoked only twice within the 90 day window . Last time being 60 days and the time before that 80. About 3 hits each time (weed) . I am an extremely light user . Maybe 5 times a year lol . And to be honest, I don't know if I smoked correctly because I didn't get high lol. Do you think I will pass . African American, thick natural hair, 125 lbs. metabolism has slown a little

  • My husband quit smoking marijuana two weeks ago. He has maybe 3% body fat. He just got sent for a random hair follicle test. Is there any chance he will pass it? I know they say the less body fat you have the quicker it gets out of your system but i don't see it being out that fast.

    • There is some truth to the 'body fat' impact (that a person with higher body fat will store more THCOOH and take longer to burn it down) ... but the effect isn't nearly as large as you might think.

      The same rule of thumb applies to everyone: moderate and frequent users will need 100-120 days of abstinence before a 90-day hair test, to guarantee they pass it.

      Best of luck

        • Yes, you should (technically).

          But the problem with body hair is that it grows so slowly that the technician sampling your hair can easily cut a wrong-sized sample which goes back far longer than 90 days.

  • I did an 8ball about 70 days ago only on sat and Sunday that's it. I sweat a lot and work outside. I also drink a lot of water will I pass on Monday

  • I did cocaine about a month less than a line. I stopped smoking a month ago I used to smoke 5 times/ week and I did mdma (250mg) days ago. I'll have a hair test in a month. Do you think that there's a chance that I'll pass ?

  • I took one hit out a bong about 7 weeks ago. Granted this was fairly potent weed. Hadn't smoked 10 months before that. Hair samples collected were about .5" long from crown of head. Being I've only smoked once in a 200+ day frame and it was 1 hit of high grade weed 7 weeks ago. What is the probability of me passing a follicle test?

  • I was slipped something at a bar a month ago. I don't use any kind of drugs what so ever I haven't smoked weed in 4years I have a hair focilcal test in 2weeks can I pass. I think I was slipped a ecstasy or molly considering the way I felt.

  • Please tell me if you think I'll pass a hair test, not sure exactly when yet, but should be coming soon:

    5 days ago took a few hits off the end of a blunt
    11 days ago took 2-3 hits off a joint
    19 days ago shared a joint with one other person

  • If i did drugs 1 month ago, then shaved my hair down to a quarter inch one month later knowing i still had 60 days until i had to test, would the drugs show up in the new hair growth

    • Maybe, maybe not.

      Working back from 1/4" of hair on your head, after 1 month of abstinence...

      The oldest hairs on your head started growing 3 weeks ago, or only 1 week after you stopped using.

      If you were a heavy THC user prior to this, then NO, your hair is probably NOT clean. Because it takes up to 30 days for THC traces to dissipate from your bloodstream.

      If you used another drug that dissipates from blood faster, then it's possible you will test clean.

      Use this chart to determine your risk:

  • I shared 1 blunt with my wife back in early/mid June. It's now September. I have a hair follicle test to take for a new job. Prior to smoking the 1 blunt in June, I haven't smoked since 2014. What's the chances of passing the test?

  • I smoked a month ago, 3 nights in a row but only took like 2 hits each time, before that two hits within two nights 3 months ago, and before that not for a few months. I have a hair drug test in about a week (still have to set it up). Will I pass?

  • My friend took an adderall 40 mg over a month ago and over 90 days ago at a music festival al took one hit of MJ, adderall over the course of the weekend, 2 lines of coke, and a x tab. Long brown hair they took a foot.

    Took the test 3 days ago. Hopefully he will hear nothing

  • If i smoked marijuana almost 4 weeks ago which will be exactly 4 weeks this monday since the last time i smoked. and I smoked once or twice a day out of a pipe like a hit or two would I be able to pass if I take a drug test on monday coming up? I have already bought the nexxus aloe rid shampoo and washed it four times a day for four days and also used ultra clean shampoo last thursday. the last time i used aloe rid shampoo was tuesday of this week and then i used it last night on wednesdays If I wash my hair 2-3 times a day with aloe rid shampoo from now until monday and use the ultra clean on monday what are my chances of my drug test coming back negative?

  • Is it true that hair tests aren't very good at picking up infrequent use? In my case, I took aderal about 5 months ago and a small bump of cocaine a month before that. Before those two times I hadn't done anything for years. I had my hair test yesterday and they had to take it from my armpits unfortunately. What do ya think?

    • Exactly. The hair test is designed to detect prolonged use of drugs, not a single event.

      A single use of one drug over the past 90 days almost never causes a negative (failed test) result.

  • Hello,

    I am looking for feedback based on your knowledge or personal experience. I will provide feedback when I get my results.

    I did 3 medium size lines of cocaine, 1 on Friday 09/08 and 2 on Saturday 09/09. I found out on October 2nd I have to get a hair follicle test from my current employer by end of the month (October) - so I have some time. Prior usage was 2 years ago. I just got a test from a local office on my own yesterday, should know something in a couple days. Think I'll pass? Think I'll pass the test at end of the month?

    • You are right on that edge, where you might get lucky and pass or you might not. Usually, just one use in the past 90 days will give you a pass.

      But 3 uses in the past 30 days? that's pushing your luck.

  • Thank you for this website!
    I was taking adderall daily over the summer.
    I have not used it in over a month. Is this something they test for with a hair test?
    Thank you

    • Unfortunately, yes - most hair tests check for traces of amphetamines, and Adderall is an amphetamine (salt).

  • If i been clean for almost 8 months of cocaine and they do a body hair sample like from my legs, will i pass

  • I did a line of cocaine 2 weeks ago (9/24) and had my hair test Monday (10/9).. I’m freaking out because I don’t think I’m going to pass. I’ve never done cocaine before and I haven’t done any other drugs since college (4 years ago). Everything I’ve read said a single use SHOULDN’T show up in a hair drug test and that most of the drug is excreted through your urine. Is this true? Will I pass?

    I also read that the drug doesn’t get deposited into every hair follicle, just some. Is this true?

  • I have a hair test in 3 weeks and I've been clean for 5 months. I want to shave my body before the test. But I only have about an inch of hair. Will that much hair be a cause for concern?

    • One inch is usually OK. I seriously doubt they will fail you over that. Might ask you to come back in 30 days, though.

  • What is the best hair follicle testing company? I'd like to show my STB ex-wife's drug history going back years, her hair is REALLY long and rarely washes it (1x week@most)
    can I go back when my son was born/pregnancy? She was using Meth/Opiates who knows what else, just need a way to prove it... Any way I could know how to get a company to test for that amount of time?

  • I took maybe 6 hits off a bowl about 2 weeks ago and I may have a hair test coming up in a week or two is it possible for me to pass? I have not smoked since and before that the last time was June 28th

  • Hi! I'm a frequent smoker! About a quarter or two a week. Did a little partying about 2 months ago ( a pretty good amount of meth lol) took a few benzos like a month ago. I've been clean the last 15 days and I have washed my hair about 20 times with old style Aloe Rid the last 2 days my test is in the morning and I will also wash with Zydot ultra clean before the test. What are the chances of me passing?? I'm extremely nervous. Thanks!!!!

  • I took 1 tiny line on the 28th of October and 1 full gram of cocaine and smoked 4 blunts on the first of November i have a hair test in 2 months do you think i will pass prior use was 6 months ago please let me know

  • I smoked weed but two hits that’s it for 2 days. So 4 hits in total within the two days but from a small pipe and they were small hits. This was 2 weeks ago and I have a hair follicle coming up in about two weeks. Will I pass? And the last time I smoked weed was 2 years ago and I go to the gym everyday and smoke cigarettes everyday too. And I do scaffolding so it’s lots of sweating and labor it that has to do with anything.

  • For a pre employment hair test. I've been clean over two months. My hair is always about an inch to an inch and a quarter. Will they still take hair from my head?

  • Snorted about 1.5 pills of 20 xr adderall in August, and then had 2 pills later in August and another 3 pills in September for studying purposes. Smoked on and off in August and September but did not smoke very much when I did. With all this in mind would I pass a test in the next couple weeks?

  • I did about a gram of coke in one night about a week ago. I am expected to have a hair test within the 90 day period. I have never done coke before. Should I be worried?

  • I had a girls night out/bachelorette party with some friends what we are all laughing about calling it The hangover. Let's just say I don't remember half the night after beer number 10. But from my understanding we did some cocaine maybe a couple lines. Possible a grams worth. Can't say for sure because no one really remembers. That was on October 21st. Now my job just announced due to new company policy they are going to be requiring hair follicle and everyone is going to have to go take one in the next week or two. It's bearly been a month I could really use some insight??

  • I'm going to take w hair test around then end of June 2018 it is now November of 2017 I did some meth 3 days ago just a little line do you think I will pass?

    • No, not the same. Body hair grows a LOT slower than your head hair.

      1/2" of body hair could contain a year's worth of drug use history.

  • I was a pretty frequent marij smoker but have been clean for four months. Should i be worried about a hair test in 2-3 weeks? should i shave my facial hair its pretty long?

  • I have more of a question. Does hair follicle tests detect K2(synthetic canneboids)? I'm in a fight to get my daughter back but dcfs or their lab keeps telling me that my results from all the test I've done has been positive for K2. I know these tests are lies because I haven't smoked since the end of September 2017 so I am waiting for myself to hit the 90 day clean mark to have a hair follicle done to prove my innocence over dcfs lies. If they do detect K2,how long should I wait to take one,how long to they take to come back,and how many strands of hair would the tester need? Can they pluck it from the root?Because that's what I would like.

    • No, most hair follicle tests cannot (yet) detect use of K2/Spice/synthetic cannabinoids.

      Synthetic marijuana is really hard to test for because it's not just one chemical - it's literally hundreds of different cannabinoid molecules, custom-made by Chinese basement labs - and each one metabolizes differently in your body.

  • If I had a couple of small bumps of coke in early December with no prior use anytime before that, will I show positive to a hair test done in late January?

  • I smoked a few hits of weed ( probably 3 hits) during a single event 108 days ago Aug 30. Nothing since then. I have not done any drugs of any kind for 108 days.

    Prior to that, during a 5 day vacation July 27th -30th I smoked weed several times during the evenings. That was 134-137 days ago. Probably 20 hits total during the vacation.

    Prior to that (late june) I smoked a similar amount as above with the addition of probably 6 adderall over the course of 10 days. That was 170-180 days ago.

    Nothing prior to that until a bit of weed in February.

    Have a hair Follicle test coming up very soon. Slim build, eat right, fair hair

    • Bill, I think you will pass. If I were really worried, I would get a nice short haircut before the test - cut it down to <1.5", all around.

  • If I haven't smoked in at least 7-8 years but took 3-4 puff off a blunt 29 days ago and haven't touched anything since, would I pass the Hair Drug Test???

  • I was a moderate herb smoker about a joint a day..i quit the beginning of September but smoked half a joint on halloween and have been clean since then. I had an interveiw and pretty sure i got the job. If I have to take a hair follicle test say the 1st of Jan. Do you think I have a chance of passing. I have curly black hair so im a bit concerned. Ive passed a labcorp urine test for another job the month before.
    Thnx for the any feedback.

    • You are right on the edge.

      As long as the lab tech cuts your hair sample correctly - they are supposed to take 1.5", from the scalp outward - then you should be fine.

      But black curly hair tends to grow slower, so 1.5" could still contain traces.

      If I were you, I'd consider cutting your hair down to 1" all around if you can, a few days before the test (dunno if you are female or male).

  • I was a heavy daily smoker for like 3 years and I just quit a little over 2 months ago, I have a pre employment follicle test January 3rd. If I use the old formula of the aloe rid and cut my hair down to 1 inch maybe shorter. Should I pass if I stay on top of the old aloe rid formula and then use the ultra clean the day of the test?

  • I did a gram and a half November 20th but did 1 line on October 20 before that and have a hair test coming up 23 of January will I pass

  • I hit some potent dabs two months ago almost exactly, and took one Ritalin during finals last week. I've got less than two weeks for my hair test for a really prestigious internship. Do you think I'm okay? Thank you in advance.

  • Did a few hits off a bowl on November 4th on a camping trip, I have to get a hair test in 2 weeks, trying to get a once in a lifetime co-op opportunity. That's the only time I've smoked in the past 90 days and I maybe smoked once every two months before so I've always been a very light smoker (btw I have a very high metabolism). Thinking about a haircut and using a couple Macujo products...what's your thoughts Jay Z?

  • I just took my hair test December 2017 and the person took about 1.5-2 inches of my hair. She said the hair test should go back a month, I am reading this and this says 3-4 months. I am not a frequent marijuana smoker, I have done so a few times in May 2017 and once in July 2017. Maybe I am being paranoid, will I pass?

    • Don't worry - 2 reasons:
      a) if your test order says "30 days", then it's for 30 days. Some tests don't look back the typical 90 days.
      b) you're probably way past the cutoff date to test positive (May-June is >110 days)... and you didn't do that much anyway.

      Good luck!

  • Hello, I smoked weed every other weekend between August 4th-November 12th. November 12th being the last day I’ve done any type of drug. I have a hair follicle test coming up between this week or next week and I’ve very scared I won’t pass! Am I safe?

  • Hello,

    I will have a hair follicle test for an internship. I'm not doing drugs but I'm currently in an environment where people are taking cocaine. Is it possible, that the test will show a positive result, because of contact to people taking it? For example because I was kissing someone or been drinking out of the same bottle?

    Kind regards

  • If I were to smoke weed today from a bong, would I be caught in my hair drug test tomorrow? I’ve been clean for 153 days and gotten at least 3 haircuts since then. Could I be caught tomorrow if I smoke a little bit today?

    • NO, you should be good. It takes 5+ days for THC traces to get from a bong into your hair - it's first gotta metabolize in your blood, then your hair needs to grow through your scalp.

  • I have a hair follicle test coming up somewhere in the next 5 months. As soon as I heard about it I stopped smoking. How long should I wait before I cut my hair to make sure my sample will be clean? Failing is not a option.

    • Since you have the luxury of time, I'd wait until 120 days after your last use. Then, cut your hair down to 1.5". After that, you're hair will test clean.

  • Hello, I have some hypothetical situation questions. If you are consuming any of the major 5 panel drugs that are tested for, and completely stop for 24 hours, then shave your head and/or body hair. Will the new hair that grows be clean? Or do you have to wait 90 days or whatever the appropriate amount of days, then shave your head and or body hair, and then that new hair growth will be clean? I guess I’m confused as to how that would work.

    • Look at it this way: hair starts to grow in the hair follicle about 5 days before it pokes through your scalp line.

      So, if you quit today you still have 5 days of drug-tainted hair on its way to your scalp.

      That's why you need to strip your hair right up to the day of the test.

  • Please help!! Dec 29th I was invited to a party. A lot of people were smoking weed. It was in an apartment building windows were shut I stayed for about 30 minutes. The smoke was hazy but not thick to the point were I needed to wear goggles. I took a urine test Jan 15th and the 29th both results came back negative. I tired weed one time about 6 years ago. Will the second hand smoke cause me to fail a hair follicle test? I took the test Jan 29th. With the pyschemedics.

  • I have been clean for 5 months but shared a small joint 5 weeks ago and shared half a blunt 3 weeks ago. My 5 panel hair test is tomorrow...should I be ok?

  • I recently bleached my hair blonde and put a red dye in it, in addition to doing the Marujo method. I have about 4 days until my hair test, but I am going to repeat the macujo method about 7 times beforehand. Will they take body hair instead if they see that I have lightened/colored my hair?

  • Ok so in the past year and a half to 2 years I haven’t smoked at all. A week or 2 ago I smoked 2 times in 2 different days. The first time it was many hits but I probably didn’t even do it right until the very last hit. The second time just one big hit. What are my chances of passing?

  • If you consume coke once and have a drug test 40 days later (hair) will it show up. Haven't consumed any other drug in a year and a half.

  • Is lsd detectable If used months ago?
    Would a few hits of a dab pen in one night 61 days ago, and 106 days prior smoking bud show? The email for the test says nothing about what kind of test it is but it says do not wear cologne/perfume, does this mean hair follicle test?

    • Sounds like a hair test to me. Two uses of cannabis will not cause you to fail a hair test. Very likely you will pass.

      Regarding LSD, one prior dose should not show up, either.

  • I’ve been clean now since October 31 hollaween I only smoked weed but I did smoke everyday for years so it’s been about 120 days clean I have a hair follicle test coming up next week I have cut my hair every 2 weeks since being clean and let it grow its about 1 inch long now what u think my odds are on passing

  • I gummed a small amout of coke twice, I have a hair test for a job. Wondering if I'm safe. Been clean from all drugs for 4 months besides the gumming of the coke.

  • I Used to be a very heavy smoker for years, stopped using for 45 days, took a hair folicle test and failed. Smoked about 2 grams after the test in a week's time and haven't smoked since. It's been 168 days now and I take another test on Monday, should I pass?

  • I was told I would have to take a hair drug test for my internship this upcoming summer. I stopped smoking the day I was told, approximately 14 days ago and still have about 65 days till the test. I am a very frequent smoker (3-5 times a day at minimum I would say) I bleached my hair about 6 days ago and had it cut extremely short right after that. My hair grows very fast I usually get a haircut once a month down to size 1 and 2 trimmers all around the head and it will be approximately 2-3inches long the next time I go in for a cut about a month later. I know this doesn’t matter most of the time but I am 6foot4inches and weigh 150 lbs. I have almost no body fat and a fast metabolism, once again I know that doesn’t do much just wanted to add it in. I plan on using a mix of the jerry g method and macujo method(without the aloe rid shampoo) the week or two leading up to the test. What are my chances of passing this test and are there any suggestions of other things I should do to up my chances. I was told I needed to stop for at minimum 90 days but I wasn’t given that luxury of knowing that far ahead of time. I quit the second I knew it was a hair test and haven’t had any since then.

    • If I were you, I would wait until the week of your hair test to bleach and strip your hair. Several times. I don't think Macujo works without Aloe Rid, but I totally understand the cost issue. Do what you can.

      I say this because with less than 80 days separating your last use and the test, you will still have tainted hair growing through your scalp all the way up until the day of your test.

  • Hello,

    My husband has a pre-employment hair test that he just took and is very nervous. He thought he was going to have a urine test. Well, he did maybe 1/2 gram on New Year's and then about 4 bumps a few days later. He rarely ever does this...hadn't done it in about 5 months. He doesn't do anything else and just those times. They took leg hair. What do you think his chances of passing are?

  • Help! I have to take a hair follice test tomorrow. I have not ingested any drugs bit I have been in the car with people smoking coke and heroin on more then a few occasions. They blew the smoke out the window, but do I need to worry? I don't know if it got to my hair as second hand smoke. Is that possible? If it is what do I do?!?

    • Don't panic! There is NO WAY second hand smoke can taint your hair enough to fail a hair drug test.

      That's a myth.

  • I split a joint with 2 other people on March 2nd. I am not a regular user at all and that’s the only time I’ve smoked in the past few months. I found out that I have a hair test sometime in April for my new job. Should I take the steps to prevent it from showing up or should I be good? I’m freaking out!

  • Hi, I'm not a regular smoker (tried four years ago, didn't work for me) but I had a joint 8 days ago and another yesterday, so all up two in a week. I didn't even feel anything. Will I pass a hair (and urine) test in 1-2 months time? Thanks
    PS. does losing weight help for the urine test?

    • I would be shocked if you didn't pass a hair drug test.

      Re. urine test: losing body fat might give you a really, really minor edge.

  • My husband is a recovering addict, crank crack, etc. He has a hair folicle test and he shaved his head after I told him not to, now they took hair from his under arm, he has been sober for 150 days what are our chances of passing the test?

    • It's hard to say, because I don't know how long his underarm hair is nor how far back the test will go. Body hair grows a LOT slower than head hair, so it stores a longer history of use. If he hasn't trimmed under there since quitting, then yes, there's a chance he will fail. Sorry to tell you that. Good luck.

  • Never smoked in my life but A month ago I had a 1/4 of a low dose gummy and a 1/2 of the same stuff the next day. I have a hair test coming in the next week or so. What are my chances of being clean on my test?

      • I smoked everyday for about 2 months, last being on March 26th, I may smoke 1 blunt on May 18th, how long will it take to pass marijuana hair test? Will probably be around August 22nd. 22y/o male good shape and blonde straight hair

        • If your test is Aug 22, then you are cutting it close... I wouldn't feel comfortable going into the test without doing something to strip my hair (if it were me).

  • Hi Jay, I probably took 3mg of Adderall on 4-14, and then took my test on 4-26. Up to that point, I hadn't done any drugs for 8 months. Chances of passing? Stupid me didn't think adderall would be checked for on a drug test, but boy was I wrong.

  • About a month ago I took a couple hits of a blunt two days in a row. I rarely smoke so it’s not something commonly done. I have to take a hair drug test this week coming up. Would I still be able to pass it?

  • Hi JZ,
    I recently ate a 5mg gummie on 4/13. The wknd before that I took one hit off a pipe and sometime in late March I took one hit off a pipe. I have been clean since 2009 ish and have a follicle test this week. What are my odds of passing. I really only took one hit the two times I smoked.

  • Hi JZ,
    Let me preface by saying thank you from everybody who uses your website here. Now for a question of my own. I know you've posted multiple times that a single use will not show up on a hair test, yet here I am! I took one off brand 15mg Adderall XR approximately 60 days prior to having a hair test. What are the odds I pass?
    Thanks in advance.

    • Your odds are the same as for the others: very good that you will pass. Best of luck on your test ;-)

  • hi i am a 30 year old woman with extremely thick curly coarse hair. I smoked and snorted meth everyday for 9 years- probably at least a gram a day. 11 months ago I fond out I was pregnant and immediately stopped. My son is now 4 months old and i am going through custody court with the father. I volunteered to take hair follicle because I know I haven't touched any drugs for 11 months. The only substance I figured the test would show positive for was opiates due to the percocets I was prescribed after my c section. When I received the results the test showed negative for everything except meth. I was floored and immediately went and took another hair follicle at a different lab testing facility. And once again test negative for everything except positive for meth. I know my hair grows slower than if I had non coarse straight hair- could this be why my results are wrong?

    • Because this was a custody test, I'm thinking the problem here is that the look-back period was one year (instead of 90-180 days which is a more common for employment tests), in which case you should have failed based on what you just said.

      And, yes, coarse/dark/curly hair grows more slowly than other types of hair, and it stores more metabolite per mm of hair sample. This could have hurt you, as well.

  • Took about 9-10 hits of marijuana blunt a month ago on april 11th and took about 6-7 hits two days after. Pretty strong weed. But before April 11th the last time I smoked was almost exactly a year ago around April 2017, and around that time I smoked about once a week or so for about 3 months. Active and athletic person and have been working out/cardio more than average sweating and taking biotin for a few weeks. Thin brown hair. Fast metabolism. Am I good if I have to take a hair test a few weeks from now, I’d appreciate an answer. And I was looking at recent articles on how biotin can disrupt hair results in a negative way, do you know if this is true?

  • Hey man. I quit smoking two weeks ago. I was a moderate user (1/8/wk on average between the wife and I) and I know I'll probably have to take a hair test around September. I cut my hair yesterday to the scalp and will do it again in about two weeks. Just wondering how much I should worry seeing that my hair grows relatively fast. Cant wait until we don't have to worry about these invasive tests lol.

    • I think you are all set to pass the test:

      Because you waited 2 weeks after your last use before cutting your hair, your hair follicles had a chance to detox - so the hair growing through your scalp right now and since your hair cut/shave is probably all clean. You also have plenty enough time before your next test (Sept.) to grow 1.5" of clean sample length.

  • So about 32 days ago I took one hit from a blunt and I just did a hair follicle test today. I am not a regular smoker, that was only one it in maybe 8 month. What is the likely hood of me passing?

  • I have a hair test next Friday. The day of the test it will be 33 days since I hit a tiny key of coke. Before that it had been about a year. What is my possibility of passing?

  • Used to be a game at smoker, but slowed down a lot since this last January. I smoked about an eighth 90-93 (somewhere in that range) days ago, and am expected to take a follicle test June 4th. I have curly hair, but not very thick. Should I be worried?

      • I used to b a coke user like a gram a day my last use was August 15 2019 I had a hair follicle November 18th 2019 and I failed for cocaine they said the metabolite was 11.3. My hair is really long and thick I noticed when she sent the sample she sent all 12+ inches she cut to the lab. Anyhow I don’t think anyone expected me to pass bc even the lab said they go back at least 4 months. Now I have another test for the middle of March 2020 it will b almost 7 months clean. Should I be ok? The lab said in November the metabolite was abnormally high? If it was that high even if it’s been 7 months since my last use almost 4 months since my last hair follicle test will I still fail? I just don’t understand I thought if I quit then my hair follicle would come back clean as long as I was clean fur 90 days?

        • The answer to your question depends on how far back your hair test is looking: 90 days is normal, but sometimes for legal purposes they will take a longer 6- or 12-month sample.

          It sounds like your last test was a 6- or 12-month look-back, given the length of hair sample taken (note: a 12" hair sample = 24 months of hair growth).

          Knowing this is critical.

          Whatever the look-back period is, deduct another 30 days from the first day of the look-back period to figure out the "latest safe date of use", i.e, the latest date you could have used and still test clean.

          For example,

          If your hair test is on April 1 and the look-back period of the test is 6 months (180 days), then your "latest safe date of use" is Sept 1. Here is the math:

          Sept 1 = (April 1 test date) - (180 days for the test) - (30 days for blood level to drop and clean hair to grow through your scalp).

          In this case, if you used after Sept 1, then you are at risk for failing the April 1 hair test. In this case, consider cutting your hair and/or using a cleaning regimen to reduce your risk of failing.

          Hope this helps!

          Best of luck on your test :-)

  • I am frequent user of smoke . Been 3weeks since I have smoked any and prob only smoked once every other week . Have a follicle test . How close you think it is ? Like I said don’t smoke daily ,will go weeks at a time without smoking ...

    • Yes, you are just under the wire for a 90-day hair test. If the test if for any time period longer than that, then, NO you will probably fail.

  • Im freaking out. I have a hair drug screen in 60 days. I was smoking just on the weekends maybe just a few hit everyday till Monday then nothing till the following Saturday. Ive been 11 days clean now and i start my new job tonight. Ive shaved my head but still freaking out due to my family relying on me for this job. Will i pass? If not what do you suggest please help

    • You need to wait longer than that to cut your hair, if we're talking about marijuana.

      If you have been smoking/using mj regularly, then you'll need to wait about 110 days after your last use before cutting your hair down to 1.5".

  • Hi jay, i smoked a blunt 11 days ago and it would be my second time smoking ever also i have a follicle test friday but i have not smoked before that in 3 to 4 months will i be able to pass the follicle test?

  • If you cut your hair often (every 3 weeks) will weed stay in your system longer, shorter, or doesn’t have an effect? I took a dab about a half month ago prior to that I was clean for like 2 months prior to that for like 3 months. Will I be clean in 2 months?

    • The frequency of hair-cutting has no effect on the amount of drug traces left in your hair. The major factor is the amount of time since your last use.

      Here's why: drugs and their by-products (metabolites) are continuously deposited into your hair follicle from your bloodstream and onto the surface of your hair via your sweat glands.

      As the amount in your blood declines, the amount deposited onto your hair gradually slows, then stops.

  • Why is it that I have always heard that hair drug testing goes back 5-7 years?
    I have used meth, crack and coke but not for at least 3 years.I couldn't tell you the exact amount (yeah prob a good bit)
    Just took one but it was from the armpit.
    whats the chances of passing? past rumors of hearing it going back that many years scares me!

    • You've heard wrong.

      Most hair tests used by employers and courts can NOT reliably detect drug use beyond 6-12 months or so, because your hair degrades & changes over time due to exposure to the environment and to chemicals/shampoos/etc.

      Exception: If you are taking a court-ordered CPS test and the test is a so-called "Zero Limit" test, then it may detect drug use of any level during the prior year or so. But zero-limit tests are rare and are subject to legal challenges.

      Here's a recent Q&A on AVVO in which lawyers explain the time limits of the hair drug test:

  • I have a question? Last time I smoked was 6-7 months ago? I’m not a smoker it was just a few hits on a blunt and I haven’t smoked since ? I have a hair follicle test in a few days and the test will go back for 6 months ... will I past it?!

    • You can relax, you will very likely pass a 6-mo hair drug test if all you did was a few hits from one blunt - that's not enough THC to fail you.

  • I keep seeing 100-110 days .. When do cut the contaminated hair off ? Do I need to shave everything .? I have a beard also .! My cousin is a supervisor so he says they'll definitely take a hair test .. My hair on my head grows but it might take forever to grow 1 1/2 inches so I'm thinking body hair .. I just need to know at what stage of my sobriety to cut it so it will come back clean ..

    • Great question! If you have no time pressures, then:

      For a light to moderate user, shave your head and body about 20 days after your last use - you should be growing clean hair through your skin by then.

      For a heavy/chronic user, give yourself 30 days before shaving.

  • Hi. Custody mediation coming up. Ex is alleging drinking problems. Haven't drank anything in two weeks, before that was maybe a 6 or 12 pack every few days. If I volunteered for a hair alcohol test say, next month, would I be ok? I shave everything except my leg hairs normally, and beard is about 3". Beard is black and curly, head is mostly gray and shaved to about 1/4" usually.

    • You are at a very high risk of failing a hair test for alcohol, if you've been drinking 4-6 beers per day for months.

  • Im black with course hair and haven't smoked weed in 2 years. would have been 3 except for a small relapse. the lab used my under arm hair.

    • If you only smoked a J or so, you shouldn't have a problem passing. Even with underarm hair.

  • I was told I had a hair follicle test 5 days before because my urine test was negative dilute and it wasn’t my urine.... I was freaking out, I have been smoking daily for the last 2 years..... I was online looking for ways to get this out my hair.... Everybody was saying I couldn’t beat it.... I found products on line with a 200% guarantee, I was like this has got to work.... my products came on Saturday..... the last time I smoked was on Friday... I followed the directions Nexxus shampoo, baking soda paste, Clean and clear 30 min, tide, nexxus shampoo, vinegar and clean and clear 30 min, tide then nexxus shampoo, I did this 3 x Saturday, 3 x Sunday, 2 x Monday, 1 x Tuesday and followed with the clear choice and went to take my test.... I was freaking out for days and my scalp was on fire for days.... my hair is in a natural state and it is short.... my ears were peeling, my scalp hurt sooo bad it gave me a headache.....after 10 days of freaking out, I received an email from HR giving me a start date....

  • I have a hair drug test coming up between the days of the 6th or throught to the 10th in Aug 2018. The last time I did marijuana was october 13th of 2017 and was only a hit. And before that in Sept 9th of 2017, and I only did hit. Would I have to worry about it showing up on the test? Haven't done anything since then. it's about about 290 days since then.

    • I would not worry too much. Two hits in a year is not enough to fail, IMO - very, very likely you will pass.

  • Hey Jay Z First of all thanks for answering everyone's questions. I smoked a strong medical joint on July fourth, about five hits. Then i ate some weak edibles last week, no signs at all of a buzz, let alone being high. Before that I haven't smoked since 2017. I will have a hair test some time mid to late August. How do my
    Odds look?

    • Your odds are good. One J is not enough to fail. And edibles take a while to build up and then decay, so they are less likely to peak above the min. threshold. That said, I don't know how many you ate nor their concentration... but the fact you felt nothing tells me you're probably good to go.

      Best of luck on your test!

  • I just had a hair test today and Im nervous as hell. I was a daily smoker of average bud. Every evening I would smoke a bowl or two with my wife and neighbor. I'd say we went through an 1/8 every week and a half on average. 95 days ago I quit, 60 days ago I shaved my head and I have had two haircuts to keep my hair around an inch or so since then. My hair grows extremely fast. The tests they took today were roughly an inch in length. What do you think my odds are?

    • If your hair grows fast as you say (thin, Caucasian hair grows fastest) AND you only had 1" of hair on your head to be sampled (which is about 60 days worth of growth - or maybe 55 for you), then given your data I'd say you have a good chance of passing.

  • I’ve taken a bump or two of coke about once a month and about a hit of weed a week for the last four months what do you think my odds are on passing?

  • Hey-over the last three months I’ve taken a few hits on a bowl here and there (like a hit or two each time and maybe 7 times over the last 3 months). Before that I hadn’t smoked in months (probably close to a year). Applying for a job and they do a hair follicle test. What do you think my odds are of passing? Do you consider that minor usage?

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