
No Medical, Psychiatric or Professional Advice

This website is for general educational and information purposes only.

If you have a medical issue, then contact a physician.

If you believe you are addicted, then seek professional help.

If you feel at risk for suicide or violent behavior, then call 911 immediately.

Information found on this site should never be considered medical advice, and it should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or illness.

This website is designed to provide peer-to-peer support, not replace the relationships you have with health care providers. If you believe you have a health problem, then you should consult with your health care provider.

The purpose of this site is to provide helpful information and to facilitate an open public discussion among people seeking to learn about hair drug tests.

This site contains information posted by others that some people may find explicit or offensive, erroneous, inaccurate or outdated. This site, its affiliates and its licensors are not responsible for such content. The authors of posted content are wholly responsible for complying with applicable laws in their region/country of residence, as well as in the United States.

This site is not affiliated with a professional testing facility nor a licensed medical organization.

We cannot provide medical advice or offer medical, psychiatric, or professional opinions. The articles and comments published on this site are meant to address issues of a general nature only.

We post relevant articles written by others which we believe may be helpful to people facing a hair drug test.

However, we are not responsible for the opinions, advice, recommendations, advertising and suggestions that third parties post on our site.

The responsibility of how to use the information found on this site, or any of its licensors and affiliates, rests solely with the user.

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